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Олеомак - Oleo-Mac

Олеомак - Oleo-Mac - Италия

Под брендом Oleo-Mac (Италия) производится садовое оборудование и инструмент (газонокосилки, пилы и другое)
Товарный раздел Садовая ,парковая техника и инструмент
Страна/Регион/Город Италия
Адрес Oleo-Mac è un marchio Emak S.p.A. Member of the YAMA Group via Fermi, 4 42011 Bagnolo in Piano (RE) Italy
Телефон + 39 0522 956611
E-mail Отправить сообщение
Официальный сайт http://www.oleomac.it


Transloading Logistics Services
Base Cargo with our developed agent network all over the world and expertised operating experience, We facilitate Manufacturers / Traders / buyers who wish tranship Cargo ...more
representative Service for a manufacturer in Russia
Search of permanent partners, the analysis of opportunities, Russia market information



Transloading Logistics Services
Base Cargo with our developed agent network all over the world and expertised operating experience, We facilitate Manufacturers / Traders / buyers who wish tranship Cargo ...more
representative Service for a manufacturer in Russia
Search of permanent partners, the analysis of opportunities, Russia market information